What is the right way to do politics?
Is the House broken?
Why can't Americans compromise?
Are Americans democracy hypocrites?
What does 2023 tell us about what could happen in American politics in 2024?
James Wallnerpolarization, political parties, the presidency, Congress, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Speaker of the House, Party Leadership, presidential election, Mitch McConnell
How can Americans bridge the urban-rural divide in their politics?
Why is it so hard to redistribute wealth amidst rising income inequality?
What does political polling miss?
Why are political leaders important?
What will American democracy look like in the 21st century?
Why does the House need a Speaker?
What can social movements teach us about American politics?
What's wrong with American politics and how can we make it right?
Are state legislators really accountable to their voters?
How did Trump threaten American self-government when he was president?
Where do busy people find the time to participate in democratic self-government?
What can storytelling teach us about politics?
Why Congress?
Why is it so hard to buy things with nickels? (plus questions about the debt limit debate and 2024 presidential election)
Does America have a representation problem?