Can multiparty presidentialism revitalize U.S. democracy? James WallnerNovember 21, 2024Special Guest, multipartism, presidentialism
Why do Americans use primary elections to select candidates for office? Special GuestJames WallnerAugust 7, 2024Special Guest, special guest, Primary Elections, Robert Boatright
Who rules America? Special GuestJames WallnerJuly 29, 2024Special Guest, special guest, democratic self-government, Constitution, minority rule, majority rule, Ari Berman
Why is it amateur hour on Capitol Hill? Special GuestJames WallnerJuly 8, 2024Special Guest, special guest, democratic self-government, Congress, political amateurs, political experience, Rachel Porter
Is American democracy in crisis? Special GuestJames WallnerJune 28, 2024Special Guest, special guest, democratic self-government, Jake Grumbach
What is the state of American democracy? Special GuestJames WallnerMay 16, 2024Special Guest, special guest, democratic self-government, Elections reform
Do white rural Americans pose a threat to democracy? Special GuestJames WallnerApril 26, 2024Special Guest, special guest, Thomas Schaller, Paul Waldman, rural America, urban-rural divide
What is the right way to do politics? Special GuestJames WallnerMarch 25, 2024political process, Special Guest, special guest, Matt Glassman
Is the House broken? Special Guest, Special EpisodeJames WallnerFebruary 22, 2024political process, Special Guest, special guest, Chip Roy, House of Representatives
Why can't Americans compromise? James WallnerFebruary 9, 2024compromise, political process, political parties, Special Guest, special guest, political realism, Jonathan Rauch
How can Americans bridge the urban-rural divide in their politics? Special GuestJames WallnerDecember 29, 2023Special Guest, special guest, Jonathan Rodden, polarization, political parties
Why is it so hard to redistribute wealth amidst rising income inequality? Special GuestJames WallnerDecember 18, 2023Special Guest, special guest, Carlotte Cavaille