What will American politics look like in 2022?
James Wallnerdemocratic values, democracy, Filibuster, reconciliation, January 6 Attack, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Joe Manchin, Public Debate, Donald Trump, midterm elections
Is America's constitutional order on the brink of collapse?
Should the Senate eliminate the filibuster to pass the Freedom to Vote Act?
What is thermostatic politics?
What's up with the Vice President?
Building the Relationships for Collaborative Governance: Interview with Colorado State Senator Faith Winter
What the hell is going on with the Republican Party?
Who calls the shots in today's Democratic Party?
What issues should Democrats emphasize ahead of the 2022 midterm elections?
How do congressional elections fuel dysfunction in Congress?
What can Congress’s present dysfunction teach us about our politics and how to make it better?
What did we learn in season three?
How much conflict is too much conflict in politics?
What is affective polarization?
Should lawmakers be afraid of taking votes?
Should House Republicans fire Liz Cheney?
Is American democracy backsliding?
Can Biden transform American politics?
What does presidential rhetoric say about the state of American politics?
Why can't Congress do its job?