What will a Biden presidency look like?

In this week’s episode of Politics In Question, Julia, Lee, and James discuss the future of American politics.

Are we in a moment of political transformation? If so, who will set the terms of debate for the next generation? What will a Biden presidency look like if the former vice president wins in November? And how will history judge the presidency of Donald Trump? These are some of the questions Julia, Lee, and James discuss on this week’s episode.

This episode is also available on Apple, Spotify, and Stitcher.

Show Notes

Julia Azari, “What would a Biden era be like? Recent protests give us some ideas,” Mischiefs of Faction (June 25, 2020).

Julia Azari, “The Scrambled Cycle: Realignment, Political Time, and the Trump Presidency,” in American Political Development and the Trump Presidency, Zachary Callen and Philip Rocco eds. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020).

Stephen Skowronek, Presidential Leadership in Political Time, 3rd. ed. (University Press of Kansas, 2020).

Stephen Skowronek, “Is Donald Trump the Great Disrupter? Probably not.” Washington Post (April 24, 2017).

Richard Kreitner, “What Time Is It? Here’s What the 2016 Election Tells Us About Obama, Trump, and What Comes Next.” The Nation (November 22, 2016).